
Prof. Wang Jing of UCSD Joining the Hainan University International Advisory Board

2024年04月22日 17:52

Recently, Prof. Wang Jing from the University of California, San Diego, accepted an invitation from Prof. Luo Qingming, member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Hainan University, to join the Hainan University International Advisory Board.

Prof. Wang Jing

Wang Jing, born in Chengmai, Hainan, was the 1982 valedictorian in science in the Hainan National College entrance examination. After completing his bachelor's degree in Laser Physics and master's degree in Biophysics from Tsinghua University, he was assigned to teach at the Tropical Crops Center of Hainan University in January 1990. In 1991, he studied for a Ph.D. in Biology at the University of Iowa in the United States. In his post-doctoral period, he conducted research at Bell Laboratories and later in the laboratory of Prof. Richard Axel, the 2004 Nobel laureate in Physiology. Currently, he serves as the Chair and professor of the Department of Neurobiology at the University of California, San Diego.

Prof. Da Hsuan Feng, Chair of the Hainan University International Advisory Board, excitingly said: “I want to heartily congratulate and warmly welcome Prof. Wang Jing who is willing to devote some of his valuable professional time to contributing to the IAB.” Prof. Feng specifically added that: “Not only Prof. Wang is unquestionably a world-renowned biologist, but he will be the only native Hainanese on the Board. This will undoubtedly bring new and positive energy to the IAB activities!”

Established in January 2019, the Hainan University International Advisory Board now has 21 world-renowned scholars and senior executives as its members, including four Nobel laureates and two honorary members. As an advisory body for the University, the International Advisory Board has held five annual meetings to provide strategic suggestions for the University in formulating development strategies, playing a crucial role for the University in developing world-class disciplines and better serving the Hainan FTP development.